Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Friday, June 06, 2008

Hi! This is the friendly neighbourhood champion of forgotten blogs again... and अब हम आ गए हैं!
So, anyways, all I had to do to rescue this blog for me girl was:
1. Since the blog was using a legacy account on Blogger (bad bad! not updated since Nov. 2006!!) I had to associate a google account with this blog...
2. So now, dear divya, you have to login with your gmail account (ha ha! I know your password as well!)
3. Then you will find a link for 'new post'.. .simply click on it and regale us with your iterant stories, complete with pictures! I'm sure this is a wonderful way of maintaining a record of all the interesting things that are happenning with you, along with sharing it with all your friends and family!



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